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Mrtvica canyon
Hiking 11 June 2010 Vanja Pejović

Mrtvica canyon

This is one of my favorite hiking tours in Montenegro. I have been there many times in different seasons and each time I was delighted and surprised by the beauty of this canyon! Mrtvica river is situated in central part of Montenegro and flows into the Morača river. The canyon is deeply carved in the rocky walls of Mount Maganik. Visiting the canyon is possible throughout the year and every season is a story for itself, but the beauty of the canyon in the spring, when river rises by melting snow from the mountains, is almost unreal and something that should not be missed. The usual tour is until halfway the canyon, what makes this tour easy to pass within 5 - 6 hours. Although there are no technical dificulties on the path, this should not be underestimated, as you still need to walk 10 -12 km. The season lasts all year, but the best time is spring.


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Last modified on 25 April 2016